- I hereby request the services of Sioux Empire Housing Partnership’s (SEHP) Education Center for Homeownership.
- I agree to provide any information required by SEHP in order to complete the program.
- I agree to give permission to any lender from which I obtain a mortgage to discuss my loan and any delinquencies with SEHP staff.
- I agree to give permission to SEHP to share information with Sioux Falls Community Development or my employer (if applicable) for the purpose of evaluating my request for resources.
- I understand that SEHP does not charge a fee for the Homebuyer Education Program or any other service it provides.
- I understand that SEHP may recommend several mortgage loan product(s) or down payment assistance. However, I also understand that SEHP is NOT responsible for any lender decision and has NO authority to approve or deny any mortgage application.
- I understand that completion of the SEHP Homebuyer Education Program is not a guarantee that any mortgage application will be approved.
- I agree to hold SEHP harmless for any losses, claims, liabilities, or damages alleged to arise from SEHP’s services.
- I understand that SEHP resources, including real estate services, may be available to me, but I am under no obligation to utilize these services.
Our Counseling and Education Services Addresses the following:
Pre-Purchase Homebuyer Education Counseling: Comprehensive one-on-one counseling is provided to clients, covering every step of the home-buying process. Choosing a property that fits their needs, working with a realtor, homeowners’ insurance, fair housing, being aware of predatory lending, and home maintenance are just a few of the subjects covered.
Pre-Purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops: Attendees will receive information on topics that will prepare the prospective homebuyer to make informed home purchase decisions. Topics include homebuyer readiness, money management, understanding credit, getting a mortgage loan, shopping for a home, keeping your home/managing finances, and maintaining a home, fair housing.
Rental Housing Counseling/Housing Workshops: This topic will help Client(s) streamline their search and understand the total cost and affordability of a rental unit, balancing personal income and expenses, application process, rights, and responsibilities.
Adult and Youth Financial Literacy: This topic will help Client(s) gainabroaderknowledgeofpersonalmoneymanagementtechniques, preparea householdbudgetusingtheircurrentincome, expensesandpersonalspendinghabits, developfinancialgoalsandestablishareasonable timetableto accomplishthosegoals.
Credit History Review: This topic will educate Client(s) on the importance of their credit report and the impact it has on obtaining loans, how to request a copy of their credit report, analyze an individual credit report, comprehend the essential information, and learn how to dispute and correct any inaccuracies.